Moving Into a New Era of Video Meetings
Simon Anthony Walker, Sep 16, 2021

Neat showcases next-generation products and features at Zoomtopia 2021, enabling hybrid teams to enjoy better well-being, social interaction and distributed creativity.
This year’s Zoomtopia proved to be another action-packed virtual event for Neat. During the opening keynote, you may have caught a glimpse of
Neat Frame unveiled as the next generation Zoom video phone device or seen the upcoming capabilities of Zoom Whiteboard that will be available on our Red Dot Award-winning Neat Board. You might have even learnt how Neat is helping US fitness service ClassPass with its hybrid workplace or noticed Neat Symmetry with Smart Gallery. We sure hope you’ve had a chance to check out our Meeting Movement landing page or caught our session, The Meeting Movement with People First.
Focusing on better well-being, social interaction and distributed creativity across hybrid teams, we highlighted how an increasing number of businesses are examining the ways their employees can connect, socialize and engage more closely in these ever-evolving times. Also, how people can incorporate more movement into their daily working lives. And how teams can remain in sync while building and preserving company culture for enhanced physical and mental health.
Healthy, happy and productive employees
Keeping your employees feeling comfortable, happy and productive, wherever or however they choose to work, is vital. Because, as we said at the top of our The Meeting Movement with People session, work is a thing we do. Not a place we go. Therefore, besides scheduled meetings, video communication needs to embrace those spontaneous and often casual social encounters people experience throughout their working day. For example, as a remote employee, how do you capture and enrich encounters like bumping into a colleague in the kitchen back at the office or walking to a meeting and quickly exchanging thoughts?
Today’s video devices need to be packed full of innovative capabilities that encourage inspired collaboration, brainstorming and off-the-cuff comments during ad-hoc discussions among individuals and teams located anywhere. That way, brilliant ideas are more likely to emerge and not get left behind. With the right technology, everyone’s on the same page, continuously in tune and within easy reach across all kinds of spaces for concise and creative interaction.
First of its kind device
One such piece of kit that empowers everyone to stay intuitively in touch is our breathtaking, first of its kind, all-in-one touchscreen device, Neat Frame. As you might recall, we unveiled Neat Frame at Zoomtopia 2020. Well, since then, we’ve been working diligently to develop it further. Available for pre-order in just a few weeks, Neat Frame is ideal either in your home, on a hot desk at the office or anywhere else you prefer to be. Unlike any other personal video device, Neat Frame is the perfect companion for your laptop, too. It allows you to see whatever content anyone is sharing while focusing on the people you’re talking to at the same time.
Delivering stunning clarity, Neat Frame gives you a more vividly natural, eye-to-eye meeting experience thanks to its unique, high-resolution portrait-oriented screen. What’s more, its advanced audio capabilities enable you to filter out any unwanted noise. Helping you always look, feel, and be at your best wherever you meet, Neat Frame ushers in a dynamic era of personal video communications devices, pointing the way to a bright and brilliant future in the new way of working. What can we say, Neat Frame truly is in a class of its own!
Another pioneering, patent-pending feature
Empowering your teams to focus further and making its debut appearance at Zoomtopia 2021, we revealed another pioneering, patent-pending feature.
Neat Boundary helps you enjoy more focused meetings while strengthening your company culture by fostering casual social encounters. For offices with glass walls or open-plan office environments, it enables you to set the width and depth of your meeting space to avoid the camera accidentally detecting, auto-framing and tracking anyone not involved in your video call. I.e., people walking past or standing around chatting.
We’re currently exploring new ways to leverage Neat Boundary, so your remote employees can engage with their in-office teammates and feel even more connected socially and culturally. Here’s what we mean. By placing a Neat device in your company’s kitchen or a recreational area, remote employees will be able to see when one of their co-workers in the office might be free to engage in casual conversation, a general discussion or brainstorming and vice versa. In other words, it provides a window into the workplace.
Inspiring endless amounts of creative work
Inspiring endless amounts of collective creativity is our 65-inch touch screen device Neat Board. Perfectly complementing Zoom Whiteboard, Neat Board enhances your whiteboard experience by offering you simple yet powerful tools to imagine and create an infinite canvas of possibilities to match the way you and your teammates work. At the same time, Neat Symmetry combined with Smart Gallery enables you to enjoy more equitable, inclusive and flexible collaborative experiences while prompting you to get up and move around, so you stay more alert, energized and resourceful.
As Zoomtopia 2021 gives people around the globe much to review and consider, Neat continues its mission to bring businesses and education organizations of all shapes and sizes rich, equitable and inclusive meeting experiences throughout an endless number of rooms and spaces. We are forever striving to advance the realms of video, constantly probing new and purposeful avenues of thought. Because as American actress and producer Viola Davis said as part of her fireside chat, “We don’t always know what will inspire us until it does!”
To learn more about how Neat can help you define your new way of working, visit