Try Neat risk-free.

Neat Trial Program.

We want you to love your Neat device, so the Neat Trial Program allows you to buy and try any of our devices risk-free for up to 30 days.

Your Neat device should help create magical meeting experiences for you and your colleagues, but if it doesn't quite meet your needs, you can simply return it.

Here's how it all works.

  • Add the desired Neat devices and accessories to your cart to begin your order
  • We'll ship your Neat devices directly to your business.
  • During your 30-day trial period, you can access our dedicated team of Neat support specialists to provide help and guidance.
  • If you love your device, keep it. If not, contact us before the end of your 30-day trial to begin your return. You must return the device in like-new condition and its original packaging. We'll arrange to pick up the package and refund your order.
  • Due to the weight and cost of shipping, Neat Board Pro returns incur a US$ 1,000 restocking fee.

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