The Power to Do Good
Simen Teigre, Apr 14, 2020

We are all in this together: COVID-19 shows how people love to help each other
Right now, we’re all in a state of emergency, and I find it heart-warming to see how so many people are doing whatever they can to help each other. People are organizing to help buy groceries for those isolated at home. Toilet paper and hand sanitizer are being left on porches for delivery drivers to take as gifts, and people of all ages are making face masks and then donating them to help protect others.
People genuinely want to help because it feels meaningful and I sincerely believe that it’s a deep-rooted urge in all of us. I think that deep down, as humans, we are wired to support our flock. Ultimately, it’s having a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives that enables us to achieve so much more together. Sometimes we lose touch with that. But a serious global health crisis that affects us all serves as a potent reminder and can bring out the best in us.
Refocusing business to support society
The coronavirus pandemic has also prompted many companies to give as much as they can back to society by refocusing their business activities, which, as a business leader, I find truly uplifting. Ferrari and Tesla have started producing ventilators, Gucci is making face masks and medical gowns, and fashion giant LVMH is using its perfume factories to make free hand sanitizer. By applying their core skills and expertise, they are helping provide desperately needed equipment to hospitals, healthcare workers and the general public.
Caring company culture
As CEO of Neat, I firmly believe in a caring company culture where our team feels liberated and energized to not only produce their best work, so we do well, but are also passionate about doing good for others. For example, Neat just teamed up with DoorDash, America’s leading on-demand prepared food delivery service, to donate free meals and complimentary DashPass subscriptions to all the healthcare heroes battling on the frontlines at Mount Sinai Health System in New York. To be in a position to give back like that makes me feel both incredibly honored and proud.
Helping make the world better
When you’re a leader of a company, your decisions affect many people’s lives, including your employees, their families, and your customers. But your company also affects the society around you and that’s something all business leaders have an opportunity to help positively influence. I commend and applaud business leaders that direct their power and resources in the right way to help improve the world, now and for future generations. Let’s be inspired by this terrible global health crisis to be better versions of ourselves and stand stronger together.