The Future of Education Is Now!
Neat, Nov 10, 2020

Neat plus Zoom ensures schools are fully prepared with video to enable maximum learning engagement between teachers and students today and tomorrow.
How well-equipped with video are your classrooms?
Presently, educational institutions everywhere are six weeks or so into a new school year. Amid another wave of COVID-19, they face a whole host of challenges. And while many have chosen Zoom as their preferred software platform, teachers are discovering that trying to manage remote or hybrid lessons from a classroom using their laptop or a desktop computer isn’t nearly engaging enough for them or their students.
Using a webcam, for example, doesn’t deliver the same interactive experience that a dedicated video hardware device provides. To get the best out of Zoom, schools must seriously consider equipping their classrooms with highly capable audio-visual tools if they hope to maintain building their educational program and community to the utmost degree.
Enhanced student learning
British daily newspaper The Guardian reported last week that when the pandemic first struck in March, schools throughout the Baltic state of Estonia were able to seamlessly switch to online learning, thanks to the country’s early investment in educational technology. As a result, kids in Estonia are reaping the rewards of the government’s long-term investment in their academic well-being.
Indeed, it’s a lesson to educational leaders everywhere. That schools should properly prepare for whatever scenarios lay ahead by taking steps to safeguard the academic future of their students now to avoid any potential learning loss or lack of community further on down the line. Developing the best possible solutions to empower teachers to educate students better is something Neat feels hugely driven to achieve.
Empowering teachers with tech
All Neat devices are specifically designed for Zoom and therefore perfect for all Zoom for Education offerings. Depending on your requirements, you can choose to deploy either Neat Bar or Neat Board throughout your classrooms, empowering teachers with the very latest in today’s game-changing video technology.
Insanely easy to install, set up and use, Neat Bar and Neat Board allow teachers to help students actively engage in learning, rather than just passively absorbing classes. With a wealth of innovative features to support greater up close and personal human connection, education and safety, Neat Bar and Neat Board let teachers and students effortlessly engage in reading, writing, discussion, problem-solving, analysis and evaluation. All via crystal clear sound and vision, annotations and whiteboarding.
When it comes to meeting the needs of your classrooms today and tomorrow, Neat’s got your back. For more info about Neat devices and Modern Learning the Neat Way, visit
You can also download our quick e-guide ‘Harnessing the Power of Video for Education‘ and join us for an informative webinar with Superintendent of Kildeer School District, Julie Schmidt. Julie can provide you with recommendations, insights and best practices for optimal student-faculty engagement. To find out more and book your place, visit