Eden Workplace

Digital signage, room/desk booking, virtual receptionist, visitor management

Eden’s conference room scheduling system enables employees to reserve a meeting room with the click of a button any time they need a private space to host a meeting. Pair your Eden Dashboard with a Neat Device to display the real time availability of each conference room and allow users to check into existing meetings or book adhoc meetings directly from the Neat Pad.

Eden’s Visitor Management solution makes office visits easier for guests by letting employees register their visitors in advance. The solution creates visibility into who will be in the office and enables organizations to send office details to invited guests ahead of time. Pairing Eden’s Visitor solution with a Neat Frame, allows Visitors to check into a custom branded kiosk, sign NDAs and other required documentation digitally, and notify hosts of their visitors arrival via email, Slack, Teams, and SMS.

Available on:

  • Neat Frame

    Neat Frame

  • Neat Pad

    Neat Pad